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Jeg vil gerne have hjælp til at finde og importere min drømmebil.


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Skal vi transportere din drømmebil til Danmark?


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Jeg vil gerne bestille et COC-dokument på min bil.

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Udvalgte artikler

Går du med tanker om at importere en elbil, men er i tvivl om hvad afgiften er på din drømmebil? Vi kan hjælpe dig rigtig godt på vej med at finde svaret.
Vi har samlet erfaringer fra vores medarbejdere, partnere samt kunder. Det er blevet til denne guide, til dig som selv vil købe og hente en bil i Tyskland.
Hvad er registreringsafgiften på en plug-in hybrid bil i 2025? Hvor meget CO2 må en plug-in hybrid bil udlede for at få nedsat registreringsafgiften?
Vi giver dig her en gennemgang af, hvordan du importerer en bil fra Tyskland i fem nemme trin.
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How to bring your car or motorcycle to Denmark when moving to Denmark

Bring your car to Denmark

Are you an expat moving to Denmark from a country outside the EU and want to bring your car or motorcycle with you?
You can take advantage of the moving goods regulations (Flyttegods), which allow you to avoid paying customs duties and Danish VAT upon entry to Denmark. However, there are some important requirements you must meet to comply with the rules.

First and foremost, you must have lived abroad (outside Denmark) for more than one year and have owned the vehicle abroad for more than six months.

Next, you need to clear the vehicle through customs. This must be done via a freight forwarder (speditør) before you enter Denmark with the vehicle and before obtaining Danish license plates. We recommend using www.fortoldningsbutikken.dk for the customs clearance, as it must be registered in the Danish Customs Agency’s system.

When entering Denmark with a vehicle as moving goods from a non-EU country, you do not have to pay customs duties or VAT. However, you are always required to register the vehicle in your name afterward and keep it for at least one year before reselling it.

If you fail to comply with these rules or if, for example, you have owned the vehicle for less than six months before entering Denmark, you will have to pay customs duties and VAT. You can also use Fortoldningsbutikken for this process.

When bringing a vehicle from abroad, you must always pay the Danish registration tax. This applies regardless of whether the vehicle is classified as moving goods or not. Danish registration tax is valuebased, so the more expensive the car (and the higher the CO2 emission), the higher the import tax. However, electric vehicles have a lower registration tax than other vehicles.

You can have the registration tax assessed by QuickImport. We are authorized to calculate and collect registration tax, making the process simple and easy for you. We recommend starting with a preliminary assessment so you have a clear understanding of your financial situation in advance.

In many cases, you will need a COC document or a data declaration to import a car from outside the EU. This is important since the Danish registration tax is partly based on CO2-emission, and because after registrering the car on Danish number plates, you will have to pay a periodical tax on the car that is based on fuel consumption.

Many of our customers come from Norway and Switzerland, bringing their vehicles to Denmark as moving goods. However, we can assist with imports from most EU and non-EU countries. Start ordering a calculation of the registration tax here.

Picture of Jens Peter Larsen

Jens Peter Larsen

Jens Peter Larsen er direktør og værdifastsætter med over 12 års erfaring. Peter kan kontaktes på mail@quickimport.dk

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